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    key state laboratories

    State Key Laboratory Coal Resources and Safe Mining

    Major scientific issues of major research

    • Characteristics and prediction theory of coal resources
    • Coal resources mining geological support technology
    • Mechanical behavior and stress field of mining disturbance in deep coal and rock mass
    • Key theory and technology of coal mining major disaster prevention and control

    Achieve outstanding achievements

    • Coal geology, coal petrology and organic petrology、

    • Mining geological support technology and resource evaluation、

    • Geology and environmental geology of coal mine、

    • Coal measures, associated minerals, exploitation, etc.

    4 key disciplines at the national level

    • Minerals Exploration”
    • mining engineering、
    • Safety technology and Engineering
    • engineering mechanics

    News trends & conferences

    • dynamics
    • Meeting
    • Research













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      Major Scientific Projects10-10

      Since 2010, the state key laboratory of coal resources and safe mining has undertaken more than 600 national and provincial/ministeri...

      Software Copyrights10-10

      No. Software Name Developer(fixed) 2013R11L246026 GR radar GPS and image capture software Peng, Suping 680685 Seismic prospecting phy...

      Patents for Invention10-10

      Over the past five years, the researchers in the state key laboratory of coal resources and safe mining have acquired 236 patents for...

      Research Productions10-10

      Since 2010, the state key laboratory of coal resources and safe mining has established 170 monographs and more than 2000 scientific p...

      National Awards10-10

      NO. Name of Award Author Name/Ranking 1 The 2nd prize of National Advancement Award of Science and Technology in 2015 The key theory ...

      No.4 The key theory and t...10-10

      Key Members: Professor, the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Shining Zhou Professor, Yaodong Jiang Professor, Jiping Su...

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    Lab team members

    A group of people who dream and do what they wish to do
